Medieval Indian History – WBCS Main Question Paper

Medieval Indian History WBCS Main Question Paper
medieval indian history questions 

WBCS Main Question Paper – 2023

7. Who was the Last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

(A) Daulat Khan Lodi

(B) Ibrahim Lodi

(C) Alam Khan Lodi

(D) Jahandar Lodi


11. Who reformed the revenue system during the rule of Akbar?

(A) Raja Maan Singh

(B) Birbal

(C) Todarmal

(D) Jai Singh


13. First battle of Panipat took place in

(A) 1526

(B) 1528

(C) 1616

(D) 1626


17. ‘Akbarnama‘ was composed by

(A) Mughal Emperor Akbar

(B) Abul Fazl

(C) Faizi

(D) Bairam Khan


19. Ibadatkhana was founded by

(A) Akbar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Shah Jahan

(D) Aurangzeb


28. Treaty of Purandar (1665) was concluded between

(A) Shivaji and Jai Singh

(B) Tipu Sultan and English East India Company

(C) English East India Company and Ranjit Singh

(D) English East India Company and the Marathas


32. Who won the first battle of Tarain?

(A) Prithviraj Chauhan

(B) Muhammad Ghori

(C) Muhammad-bin-Qasim

(D) Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni


39. Who was the author of the book ‘Muntakhab–ul–Tawarikh‘?

(A) Nizam-ud-din

(B) Amir Khusrau

(C) Faizi

(D) Badauni


40. Who composed ‘Rajatarangini‘?

(A) Kalhana

(B) Bilhana

(C) Banabhatta

(D) Ashvaghosha


41. Who composed ‘Khaza’in-ul-Futooh‘?

(A) Amir Khusrau

(B) Hasan Nizami

(C) Khafi Khan

(D) Abdal-Qadir Badauni


48. Who introduced ‘Kabuliyat’ and ‘Patta’?

(A) Shivaji

(B) Ashoka

(C) Sher Shah

(D) Akbar


59. ‘Mandalam’ and ‘Nadu’ these two institutions were associated with

(A) the Pallavas

(B) the Cholas

(C) the Pandyas

(D) the Rashtrakutas


63. In which year Vasco-da-Gama arrived in Kalikat?

(A) 1757

(B) 1498

(C) 1497

(D) 1598


64. Who was the general and successor of Muhammad Ghori?

(A) Muhammad-ibn-Bakhtyar

(B) Qutub-ud-din Aibak

(C) Tajuddin Yaldiz

(D) Nasiruddin


65. Who invaded South India?

(A) Balban

(B) Iltutmish

(C) Qutub-ud-din Aibak

(D) Alauddin Khilji


66. Who composed the book of ‘Tahqiq-i-Hind‘?

(A) Al Beruni

(B) Al Masudi

(C) Khafi Khan

(D) Hasan Nizami


68. Jiziya was reimposed by

(A) Aurangzeb

(B) Shah Jahan

(C) Jahangir

(D) Bahadur Shah


74. The Yusufzai revolt took place during the reign of 

(A) Shahjahan

(B) Akbar

(C) Aurangzeb

(D) Jahangir


76. During the Arab invasion in 712 AD the ruler of Sindh was defeated by whom ?

(A) Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni

(B) Muhammad Ghori

(C) Muhammad-bin-Qasim

(D) Tajuddin Yildiz


79. Who composed the ‘Vikramankadevacharita‘?

(A) Bilhana

(B) Ravikirti

(C) Banabhatta

(D) Kalhana


83. Which Mughal ruler took the title of Alamgir?

(A) Akbar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Shah Jahan

(D) Aurangzeb


87. Which Mughal ruler granted Diwani Rights of Bengal to the English East India Company?

(A) Farrukhsiyar

(B) Bahadur Shah Zafar

(C) Jahandar Shah

(D) Shah Alam II


88. Who came to Jahangir’s Court?

(A) Sir Thomas Roe

(B) Ibn Battuta

(C) Nuniz

(D) Domingo Paes


93. Who was known as ‘Parrot of India‘?

(A) Tansen

(B) Surdas

(C) Amir Khusrau

(D) Abul Fazl


98. Who was a famous artist of Akbar’s Court?

(A) Basawan

(B) Bebadal Khan

(C) Ravi Verma

(D) Minhaj-us-Siraj


99. The duration of Tripartite Struggle was

(A) 200 years

(B) 100 years

(C) 400 years

(D) 50 years



WBCS Main Question Paper – 2022

3. Akbar was born at

(A) Pathankot

(B) Sialkot

(C) Amarkot

(D) Nagarkot


4. The autobiography of Babur was known as

(A) Chach Namah

(B) Firdaus Namah

(C) Babur Namah

(D) Shah Namah


8. The court customs of Sijda and Poibos were introduced by

(A) Qutubuddin Aibak

(B) Alauddin Khilji

(C) Ghiyasuddin Balban

(D) Ibrahim Lodi


18. The First Battle of Tarain took place in

(A) 1191 AD

(B) 1176 AD

(C) 1105 AD

(D) 1155 AD


21. Delhi Sultanate was established in India in

(A) 1205 AD

(B) 1215 AD

(C) 1206 AD

(D) 1207 AD


24. The Sadak-i-Azam was constructed by

(A) Akbar

(B) Bahadur Shah

(C) Babur

(D) Sher Shah


26. Abdul Hamid Lahori was the author of

(A) Padshahnama

(B) Razm Namah

(C) Iqbal Namah

(D) Tabaqat


30. The Qadri order of Sufis was founded by

(A) Shah Niamatullah Qadri

(B) Baba Farid

(C) Bakhtiyar Kaki

(D) Shah Jalal


31. The “Boro Sona Masjid” in Bengal was built by

(A) Alauddin Hussein Shah

(B) Nusrat Shah

(C) Shah Shuja

(D) Shah Jahan


33. The “Alai Darwaza” was constructed by

(A) Alauddin Khilji

(B) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

(C) Sikander Lodi

(D) Ibrahim Lodi


36. Who was known as the “Akbar of Kashmir”?

(A) Sikander Shah

(B) Zain ul Abedin

(C) Akbar

(D) Muhammad Shah


40. The capital from Delhi to Daulatabad was shifted by

(A) Alauddin Khilji

(B) Bakhtiyar Khilji

(C) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

(D) Akbar


41. The Vijaynagar State was founded by

(A) Harihara and Bukka

(B) Chenna and Pedanna

(C) Tiruvalluvar

(D) Malik Ambar


42. The following is a Sufi order:

(A) Namdhari

(B) Kirpandhari

(C) Auliya

(D) None of the above


44. The market control regulations were introduced by

(A) Alauddin Khilji

(B) Balban

(C) Babur

(D) Sikander Lodi


46. Sufi orders were generally known as

(A) Siayasa

(B) Virasat

(C) Hukumat

(D) Silsilah


47. Abul Fazl was the court poet of

(A) Babur

(B) Akbar

(C) Shah Jahan

(D) Jahangir


52. Sir Thomas Roe had visited the court of

(A) Akbar

(B) Shah Jahan

(C) Jahangir

(D) Babur


59. Who was known as “Lakh Baksh”?

(A) Balban

(B) Qutubuddin Aibak

(C) Bahlol Lodi

(D) Ibrahim Lodi


61. The Arab conquest of Sindh is depicted in

(A) Akbar Namah

(B) Ain i Akbari

(C) Chach Namah

(D) Shah Namah


64. The “Tarikh i Firuz Shahi” was the work of

(A) Abdul Khader Badauni

(B) Ziauddin Barani

(C) Bhimsen Burhanpuri

(D) Tansen


66. The First Battle of Panipat took place in

(A) 1520

(B) 1530

(C) 1525

(D) 1526


74. Zabti was

(A) Currency

(B) Trade

(C) Customs

(D) Land Revenue System


76. Shah Jahan had built the Taj Mahal in memory of

(A) Arjumand Banu Begum

(B) Anarkali

(C) Jahanara

(D) Rowshanara


77. The land revenue system under Akbar was systematized by

(A) Raja Beharimal

(B) Raja Todarmal

(C) Raja Chunnumal

(D) Birbal


78. The firman of 1717 was issued by

(A) Farrukhsiyar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Aurangzeb

(D) Jahandar Shah


79. The book written by Ibn Batuta was

(A) Saleha

(B) Rehala

(C) Kitab ul Ibar

(D) Razm Namah


82. The original name of Nurjahan was

(A) Luftunnissa

(B) Khairunnisa

(C) Meherunnisa

(D) Raziya

85. Who was afflicted by the “Deccan Ulcer”?

(A) Akbar

(B) Babur

(C) Aurangzeb

(D) None of the above


86. The first woman ruler of the Delhi Sultanate was

(A) Rabeya

(B) Rokeya

(C) Razia

(D) Zubeida


89. Akbar defeated Hemu in the

(A) First Battle of Panipat

(B) Third Battle of Panipat

(C) Second Battle of Panipat

(D) Battle of Haldighati


93. Mukundaram was the author of

(A) Padma Puran

(B) Barsha Mongal

(C) Chandi Mongal

(D) None of the above


99. Tabaqat i Nasiri was written by

(A) Sirajuddin

(B) Minhaj us Siraj

(C) Khafi Khan

(D) Firuz Tughlaq



WBCS Main Question Paper – 2021

36. Which was the earliest seat of Turkish power in Delhi?

(1052 – 1060 )

(A) Qila-i Rai Pithora

(B) Koshak-i Siri

(C) Purana Qila

(D) Jahanpanah


69. How were foreign merchants referred to in Chola documents?

(A) Manigramam

(B) Nanadeshi

(C) Ayyavole

(D) Pattinam


110. What occasioned the break between the Mughals and the Rajputs?

(A) Increasing importance of the Marathas in Mughal state.

(B) Succession crisis in Marwar after the death of Jaswant Singh.

(C) Aurungzeb’s favoritism towards Muslims in Mughal service.

(D) Aurungzeb’s demolition of Hindu temples.


124. Who was the author of the Prabandha Chintamani?

(1304, Gujarat)

(A) Medhatithi

(B) Merutunga

(C) Shriharsha

(D) Soddhala


145. Who was the author of Rajatarangini?

(A) Kalhana

(B) Jonaraja

(C) Srivara

(D) All of the above


172. Which of the following is true of the Mansabdari system?

(i) Mansab denotes the rank an official held in the Mughal hierarchy.

(ii) Mansabdari usually entailed military obligation towards the empire.

(iii) Salary of a Mansabdar was indicated in the sawar rank he held.

(iv) Remuneration for Mansabdari was provided only in terms of grants of jagir.

(A) (i), (iii), (iv)

(B) (i), (ii), (iv)

(C) (i), (ii)

(D) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)




WBCS Main Question Paper – 2020

8. Who is the only woman historian to write a historical account of the Mughal period?


(A) Gulbadan Begum

(B) Noorjahan

(C) Jahanara Begum

(D) Zebun-nissa Begum


10. Which of the following facts about the Taj Mahal is incorrect?

(Built – 1632–53)

(A) It is a magnificent Mausoleum

(B) It was built by Shah Jahan

(C) It is situated outside the Agra Fort

(D) The names of artisans who built are engraved on it


12. The Persian ruler who besieged Qandahar in Jahangir’s reign was


(A) Shah Muhammad

(B) Shah Parvez

(C) Shah Abbas

(D) Shah Raza


19. The popular name of Muizuddin Muhammad Bin Sam was

(1149 – 1206)

(A) Sultan Mahmud

(B) Muhammad Ghori

(C) Timur

(D) None of the above


20. Kamban’s Ramayana in Tamil was written during the reign of

(12th century)

(A) Chalukya

(B) Pallavas

(C) Cholas

(D) Kakatiyas


21. Who constructed the ‘Grand Trunk Road‘?

(A) Akbar

(B) Sher Shah Suri

(C) Ashoka

(D) Samudra Gupta


22. Silver ‘Tanka’ and Copper ‘Jital’ were introduced by

(A) Qutubuddin Aibek

(B) Raziya Sultana

(C) Iltutmish

(D) Balban


25. Who faced defeat in the Battle of Chandawar in 1194 AD?

(A) Bhima II

(B) Jaichand

(C) Lakshman Sena

(D) Muhammad Ghori


26. The founder of the Lodi dynasty was


(A) Bahlul Lodi

(B) Sikandar Lodi

(C) Ibrahim Lodi

(D) Daulat Khan Lodi


33. The name of Sultan Mahmud’s father is

(971 – 1030)

(A) Alptigin

(B) Sabuktigin

(C) Ulugh Khan

(D) Nove of the above


34. Who of the following became a member of the Din-i-Ilahi?

(A) Todar Mal

(B) Raja Birbal

(C) Raja Man Singh

(D) Tansen


37. Who was the Hindu king at the time of Muhammad bin Qasim’s invasion of Sind?

(Battole of Aror, 712)

(A) Dahir

(B) Hala

(C) Harsha

(D) Ananda Pala


38. Ghazi Malik was the actual name of

(A) Ghiyas uddin Tughlaq

(B) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

(C) Firuz Shah Tughlaq

(D) None of the above


44. The Persian poet Firdausi who composed ‘Shah Namah’ was associated with the court of

(977 – 1010 CE)

(A) Sultan Mahmud

(B) Muhammad Ghori

(C) Shah Tahmasp

(D) None of the above


46. Two major crops introduced in India during the Mughal period were

(A) Millet and Groundnut

(B) Potato and Mustard

(C) Tobacco and Maize

(D) Indigo and Maize


48. The Somnath Temple of Gujarat was destroyed by Sultan Mahmud in

(A) 1015 AD

(B) 1020 AD

(C) 1025 AD

(D) 1027 AD


50. The Dilwara Temples at Mount Abu were constructed during the rule of

(Vimal Shah, 1031)

(A) Chalukyas

(B) Solankis

(C) Kalachuris

(D) None of the above


52. The Russian merchant traveller Nikitin visited South India in

(A) 14th Century

(B) 15th Century

(C) 16th Century

(D) None of the above


54. Which of the following systems were the backbones of the Vijaynagar administration?

(A) Nitinirdesha and Dandniti

(B) Karyapalika and Nayankara

(C) Nayankara and Ayagar

(D) Dandniti and Spy system


57. ‘Diwan-i-Khairat‘, a Ministry of Charity was organised by

(A) Alauddin

(B) Ghiyas uddin

(C) Firuz Shah

(D) None of the above


59. The Mughals imported fruits from


(A) Samarkand

(B) Arabia

(C) Kabul

(D) Portugal


63. Which Mughal Emperor transferred the capital from Agra to Delhi?


(A) Jahangir

(B) Shah Jahan

(C) Aurangzeb

(D) Bahadur Shah


67. Which of the following works refer to the History of Sind and it’s conquest by the Muslim?

(A) Taj-ul-Manthir

(B) Chach Namah

(C) Lubab-ul-Abab

(D) Kitab-i-Tahqiq


69. Who was the author of ‘Tabaqat-i-Nasiri‘?


(A) Ibn Batura

(B) Minhaj-us-Siraj

(C) Isami

(D) Ziauddin Barani


74. Jizya was abolished by the Mughal ruler


(A) Babur

(B) Humayun

(C) Akbar

(D) Aurangzeb


78. King Jaypala, who faced Sultan Mahmud’s invasion belonged to the

(964 to 1001 CE)

(A) Chalukya dynasty

(B) Hindu Shahi dynasty

(C) Pandya dynasty

(D) None of the above


80. The Mughal Prince who was well versed in Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit was

(A) Prince Akbar

(B) Prince Salim

(C) Prince Sulaiman Shukoh

(D) Prince Dara Shikoh


87. Aurangzeb sent Mukarrab Khan against

(A) Shahji Bhonsle

(B) Shivaji

(C) Sambhaji

(D) Shahu


93. Ramachandra Yadav, who faced Alauddin’s invasion was the ruler of

(1296, Maharashtra)

(A) Devagiri

(B) Malwa

(C) Ujjain

(D) Telangana


94. Which Mughal Emperor was a patron of Hindustani music and was popularly known as Rangila?

(A) Bahadur Shah I

(B) Bahadur Shah II

(C) Muhammad Shah

(D) Ahmed Shah


95. Sant Jnaneshwar was the author of

(Marathi language)

(A) Amrutanubhav

(B) Rukmini Swayamvar

(C) Dasbodha

(D) Vivek sindhu




WBCS Main Question Paper – 2019

56. The largest standing army of the Sultanate directly paid by the state was createdby
(A) Iltutmish
(B) Alauddin Khilji
(C) Muhammad Bin Tughlug
(D) Sikandar Lodi
57. The Muslim kingdom of Golconda grew up on the ruins of the old Hindu kingdom of
(12-14th centuries)
(A) Devagiri
(B) Dwarsamudra
(C) Warrangal
(D) Kanchi
58. Which of the following did not form part of the contingents maintained by the mansabdars ?
(A) Cavalry men
(B) Artillery men
(C) Bow men
(D) Musketeers
61. Who is known as the ‘Plato of the Jat tribe‘?
(Bharatpur, Rajasthan)
(A) Rajaram
(B) Churaman
(C) Badan Singh
(D) Surajmal
62. The Nawab of Awadh who was appointed the Wazir of the Mughal empire was
(A) Sadat Khan
(B) Safdar Jang
(C) Asaf ud daula
(D) Nasiruddin

WBCS Main Question Paper – 2018

105. The famous Uttaramerur inscription belongs to the reign of
(Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu)
a) Parantaka I
b) Parantaka II
c) Rajaraja I
d) Rajaraja II
106. Which Delhi Sultan represented himself as ‘Sikandari-Sani’?
a) Alauddin Khilji
b) Muhammad bin Tughluq
c) Sikandar Lodi
d) Khizr Khan
107. The foreign traveler named one of the famous Vijayanagara coins as pagoda. Originally it was
a) Pan
b) Varaha
c) Hun
d) Panam
108. Nasaq was
a) a revenue system in which the average produce of different crops as well as average price of 10 years were calculated.
b) revenue payable by the cultivator was based on past experience.
c) revenue system where crop was divided at the threshing floor between cultivator and the government.
d) revenue system in which not the actual crop but the estimated crop was divided between the cultivator and the government.
109. The effects of 1717 farman of Emperor Farukshiyar, granting exemption to the Company’s merchandise from customs duty in lieu of an annual sum of 3000 was
(surgeon William Hamilton)
a) with a dastak (hand written pass) Company’s goods could pass without inspection through toll station (chowki).
b) Company’s officials quietly extended this privilege to their own private trade.
c) the ‘chief sufferers’ was the government of the Nawabs who lost out on customs duties and rival Indian traders who faced unequal competition.
d) All of the above
112. Who was the author of Siyar-ul-Mutakherin?
a) Gulam Hussein
b) Arif Muhammad
c) Nasir Hussein
d) Shahabuddin



WBCS Main Question Paper – 2017

16. Which of the following pairs is not matched correctly ?
(Chand Bardai – Prithvirajacharita)
(A) Sandhyakar nandi – Ramacharita
(B) Jaysimha – Kumarapalacharita
(C) Gaudavaho – Vakpati
(D) Bilhana – Prithvirajacharita
31. Who was popularly known as Nana Saheb ?
(A) Baji Rao I
(B) Balaji Baji Rao
(C) Balaji Biswanath
(D) Sawai Madhav Rao
32. Which Mughal building is said to possess the unique feature of being exactly equal in length and breadth ?
(A) Red fort
(B) Agra fort
(C) Taj Mahal
(D) Buland Darwaja
34. Which Mughal ruler conferred the title of ‘Raja’ on Ram Mohan Roy and requested him to go to England to plead for a hike in the Emperor’s pension ?
(A) Saha Alam ll
(B) Akbar II
(C) Bahadur Shah II
(D) None of the above
33. How many Mughal provinces were there under Akbar and Aurangzeb respectively ?
(A) 15 and 21
(B) 17 and 19
(C) 14 and 20
(D) 16 and 19
36. An elite body formed by the slave officers of which Delhi Sultan is popularly known in history as “Crop of Forty” (Chahalgani / Chihalgani) ?
(A) Qutbuddin Aibak
(B) Iltutmish
(C) Raziya
(D) Balban
37.Which Mughal emperor for the first time divided the empire into provinces ?
(A) Babur
(B) Humayun
(C) Jahangir
(D) Akbar
38. The royal ritual of ‘Jharokha Darshan’ was introduced by the Mughal emperor
(A) Akbar
(B) Shajahan
(C) Aurangzeb
(D) Bahadur Shah
39. The ‘Jagir’ of the Mughals is equal to which of the following units of Sultanate period ?
(tax farming)
(A) Waqf
(B) Khalisa
(C) Inam
(D) Iqta
40. The type of painting which made remarkable progress during the reign of Jahangir was
(A) Fresco painting
(B) Battle scenes
(C) Portrait painting
(D) Miniature painting

41. Who was known as ‘Lakh Baksh’ ?
(A) Qutbuddin Aibak
(B) Iltutmish
(C) Balban
(D) Raziya
42. Muhammad bin Tughlaq lived in a camp called ‘Svargadvari’ for 2½ years on the bank of which river was this camp located ?
(A) Sutlej
(B) Indus
(C) Yamuna
(D) Ganges
43. During the reign of which Delhi sultan was ‘Jizya’ collected even from Brahmins
(A) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq
(B) Balban
(C) Muhammad-bin Tughlaq
(D) Firuz Tughlaq
44. Policemen of Vijayanagar were paid out of taxes colle cted from
(A) Wine shops
(B) Land revenue
(C) Taxes on goods
(D) Prostitutes
49. Jayadev’s “Gita Govinda” deals with the cult of
(12th century)
(A) Rama
(B) Shiva
(C) Krishna
(D) Shakti
53. The Iqtadars during the Sultanate period were also known as
(A) maliks
(B) muqtis
(C) mamlatdars
(D) munhias
57. The 96 years old man who was captured and behaded at Talikota (Bannihatti) in 1565 was
(A) Rama Raya
(B) Krishna Deva Raya
(C) Bukkal
(D) Saluva Narsimha
58. The term ‘Malaimandalam’ refers to
(A) Coromandal coast
(B) Malabar coast
(C) Pandya coast
(D) Konkan coast
60. Which Bahamani ruler shifted the capital from Gulbarga to Bidar ?
(A) Ala-ud-din ll
(B) Ahmad Shah Wali
(C) Muhammad Shah I
(D) Muhammad III

61. Who among the following was greatly influenced by Islam ?
(A) Namadeva
(B) Chaitanya
(C) Ramananda
(D) Ramanuja
62. Which Mughal is credited with prohibiting ‘Sati’ unless the widow herself, on her own free will, persistently desired it ?
(A) Babur
(B) Humayun
(C) Akbar
(D) Aurangzeb
63. During the reign of which Mughal was tobacco introduced in India ?
(A) Aurangzeb
(B) Jahangir
(C) Akbar
(D) Shahjahan
64. According to a legend, whom did Sikandar Lodi, the Sultan of Delhi, try to kill by various means ?
(A) Nanak
(B) Mirabai
(C) Kabir
(C) Chaitanya
69. The Delhi Sultan who styled himself “The Second Alexander” (Sikandar-i-Sani) was
(A) Balban
(B) Alauddin Khilji
(C) Sikandar Lodi
(D) Sikandar Khan


WBCS Main Question Paper – 2016

9. Which of the following pairs is not matched correctly ?
(A) Firuz Tughluq – Futuhat-i-Firuz-Shahi
(B) Zia-ud-din Barani – Kitab-ul-Rahala
(C) Zia-ud-din-Barani – Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi
(D) Minhaj-us-Siraj – Tabaqat-i-Nasiri
10. “The success of Muizzudin Muhammad Ghori in India was the consummation of a process which extended over the whole of 12th Century”. By whom this observation has been made ?
(A) A.B.M. Habibullah
(B) Satish Chandra
(C) Irfan Habib
(D) A.K. Nizami
11. During the reign of which Sultan of Delhi did the Chahalgani or Chalisa come into existence ?
(A) Balban
(B) Raziya
(C) Iltutmish
(D) Ala-ud-din Khilji
12. Three types of the coins of the Delhi Sultanate tanka, shashgani and jital – were made respectively of –
(A) Silver, Silver, Copper
(B) Gold, Silver, Copper
(C) Silver, Bronze, Copper
(D) Gold, Bronze, Copper
13. Nicolo de Conti, an Italian visitor, came to Vjjaynagar during the reign of –
(A) Harihara I
(B) Bukka I
(C) Deva Raya II
(D) Deva Raya I
14. According to Abdur Razzaq, the policeman of Vijayanagar were paid out of taxes collected from
(A) Wine shops
(B) Brothels (prostitutes)
(C) Land revenue
(D) Taxes on goods
15. Which revenue system among the following is also known as the ‘bandobast’ system ?
(A) Zabti
(B) Dahsala
(C) Nasaq
(D) Kankut
16. During the reign of which Mughal was tobacco introduced in India ?
(A) Akbar
(B) Aurangzeb
(C) Jahangir
(D) Shahjahan
17. Which Mughal is credited with prohibiting Sati unless the widow herself, of her own free will, persistently desired it ?
(A) Babur
(B) Akbar
(C) Humayan
(D) Jahangir
18. The only type of Jagir which could not be transferred was the –
(A) Khidmati jagir
(B) Watan Jagir
(C) Milkiyat Jagir
(D) Tan Jagir
27. Who among the following Mughal rulers were half Rajput (born of a Rajput mother) ?
(A) Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb
(B) Akbar and Jahangir
(C) Jahangir and Shahjahan
(D) Jahangir and Humayan
28. Who was the first Englishman to visit Jahangir’s court ?
(A) William Edwards
(B) Red Dragon
(C) Thomas Roe
(D) Hawkins
19. A new technique of painting, known as Siyahi qalam, became fashionable during the reign of –
(A) Akbar
(B) Aurangzeb
(C) Jahangir
(D) Shahjahan



WBCS Main Question Paper – 2015

148.  During whose reign did the post of Peshwa not only become powerful but also hereditary
(A) Rajaram  
(B) Shivaji – II      
(C) Sambhaji       
(D) Shahu
149.  Who among the following got the title of ‘Sena Karte’ ?
(A) Balaji Biswanath
(B) Balaji Baji Rao      
(C) Rajaram       
(D) Baji Rao – I
153.  Which one of the following Mughal emperors is credited with the composition of many Hindi Songs ?
(A) Humayun        
(B) Babur       
(C) Akbar        
(D) Jahangir
154.  Which of the following manuscripts, containing miniature paintings, reveals a sense of realism and authenticity witnessed or experienced by the painters themselves
(Akbar, 1582-88)
(A) Timur Namah       
(B) Akbar Namah        
(C) Jamiut-Tawarikh        
(D) Tarikh-i Alfi
155.  The subject matter of Hamzanamah is
(A) Architecture          
(B) Painting
(C) Music       
(D) Philosophy
156.  The only type of Jagir which could not be transferred was –
(A) Khidmati Jagir        
(B) Watan Jagir
(C) MiIkiyat Jagir        
(D) Tan Jagir
157.  During the reign of which great Mughal was tobacco introduced in India ?
(1605, Portuguese)
(A) Jahangir
(B) Akbar       
(C) Shahjahan        
(D) Aurangzeb
158.  Which of the following mosques of the Mughals is also known as the ‘pearl-mosque‘ ?
(Shah Jahan, 1653)
(A) Jamia Masjid at Delhi         
(B) Jamia Masjid at Fatehpur
(C) Moti Masjid at Agra
(D) Aurangzeb’s personal mosque in the Red Fort
159. Who among the following Mughal Minister was the ‘pay master-general’ as well ?
(A) Diwan        
(B) Mir Bakshi
(C) Khan-i-Saman       
(D) Vakil
160. Who among the following nobles of Akbar was killed by the Afghan rebels in one of the Mughal campaigns to suppress them ?
(A) Man Singh        
(B) Todar Mal          
(C) Birbal
(D) Bhagwan Das

171. Which Vijayanagara ruler sent an embassy to China ?
(A) Harihara – I      
(B) Krishna Deva Raya       
(C) Bukka – I
(D) Saluva Narasimha
172.  ‘Every pearl in the royal crown is but the crystallized drops of blood fallen from the tearful eyes of the poor peasant’. Who made this statement ?
(A) Amir Khusrau
(B) Barauni        
(C) Ibn-Batutah       
(D) Al-Beruni
173. Who introduced the famous Persian festival of Nauroz ?
(A) Alauddin Khalji       
(B) Iltutmish        
(C) Balban
(D) Firuz Tughlaq
174.   The famous Jaina temples at Dilwara were built by
(11-13th centuries, Gujarat)
(A) Paramaras        
(B) Chandellas          
(C) Solankis
(D) Chauhans
178.  With which one of the following are the later foreign immigrants like Hunas, who came after the fall of Imperial Guptas, identified ?
(A) Kshatriyas       
(B) Fallen Kshatriyas          
(C) Rajputs
(D) Mlechchas
191.  Who among the following Rajputs were the first to voluntarily submit to Akbar ?
(A) Hedas      
(B) Sisodias       
(C) Rathors       
(D) Kachchhawahas
192.  Who among the following Englishmen was given the title ‘Khan’ by Jahangir ?
(A) Thomas Roe       
(B) Ralph Fitch       
(C) Hawkins
(D) Newbery
193.  Who was the founder of ‘Gajapati Dynasty’ of Orissa ?
(A) Purushottam        
(B) Kapilendra
(C) Prataparudra
(D) Vidyadhara
194.  Who was the founder of Sultanate of Madurai  ?
(A) Jalaluddin Ahsan
(B) Hussain Shah       
(C) Nusrat Shah       
(D) Dilwar Khan
195.  Who built the ‘Gol-Gombuj’ at Bijapur famous for the world’s second largest dome and the whispering gallery ?
(A) Mahmud Gawan      
(B) Yusuf Adil Shah      
(C) Ismail Adil Shah      
(D) Muhammed Adil Shah
196.  Which Sufi Saint adopted Yogic breathing exercises and was called Sidh or perfect ?
(A) Nizamuddin Auliya
(B) Farid      
(C) Salim Chisti       
(D) Muhammed Jilani
(A) Tulsidas
(B) Surdas       
(C) Chaitanya       
(D) Namadeva
198.  What is ‘Asthavana’
(Vijayanagara Empire)
(A) Land revenue department
(B) A type of rice
(C) One-third of the produce of the land       
(D) House-tax
199.  City of Nagalapura was built by –
(A) Bukka – II        
(B) Deva Raya- I         
(C) Krishnadevaraya
(D) Virupaksha
200.  During whose reign did Vijayanagara come into conflict with Orissa for the first time ?
(A) Bukka – II       
(B) Devaraya – I      
(C) Devaraya – II       
(D) Virupaksha – II


WBCS Main Question Paper – 2014

59.  Which of the following work was not done by Amir Khosrue ?
(autobiography by Timur)
(A) Dewal Rani Khisly     
(B) Nuh Sipih       
(C) Qirun us Saadain       
(D) Tuzuk-i-Timuri
60.  Vallabhacharya was the most distinguished preacher of the
(A) Shaiva Cult       
(B) Shakti Cult       
(C) Balaram Cult       
(D) Krishna Cult
61.  Janamsakhi is the biography of
(A) Guru Nanak
(B) Guru Arjundeva       
(C) Guru Hargobind Sing      
(D) Guru Tegbahadur
62.  Who translated Atharvaveda into Persian during the Mughal period ?
(A) Abdul Hamid Lahori      
(B) Haji Ibrahim Sarhindi
(C) Khafi Khan      
(D) Malik Muhammad Jayasi
75.  Which Sultan of Bengal built Madrasas in Mecca & Madina
(A) Shamsuddin Ilius Shah
(B) Shekander Shah
(C) Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah
(D) Rukumuddin Barbak Shah
76.  Which General of Aurangzeb conquered Ahom kingdom in the East India ?
(A) Jai Singh      
(B) Josowant Singh       
(C) Sayesta Khan       
(D) Mir Jumla

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