wbcs full form WBCS Exam WBCS Age Limit
wbcs full form WBCS Exam WBCS Age Limit
What is WBCS Exam?
- WBCS or West Bengal Civil Service is the competitive exam for different posts in West Bengal civil service.
- It’s also known as W.B.C.S.(Exe) exam.
- West Bengal Public Service Commission arranges a competitive examination for WBCS (Exe) every year.
- WBPSC releases online notification for applications.
- 3 phases of competitive examination
- Preliminary
- Mains
- Personality Test
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WBCS Exam Notification
- Applications can be submitted online only through the West Bengal public service commission official website
- Submission of more than one application by the same candidate is strictly forbidden and such applications are liable to cancellation.
- Usually, WBPSC publishes an official notification in November or December, but there is no official fixed date or month.
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WBCS Selection Process
Preliminary Exam Pattern
- 1 objective (MCQ) type question paper consists of General Studies.
- All MCQ paper for prelim and main exam has
- Number of Questions : 200
- Total marks : 200
- Correct answer : 1 mark
- Wrong answer : (-1/3) mark
- Time : 150 min or 21/2 hours
- Paper Language : English & Bengali
- Subjects are covered as follows
- English Composition
- History of India
- Indian National Movement
- Geography of India with West Bengal
- Indian Polity and Economy
- General Science
- Current events
- General Mental Ability
- 8 broad categories, each containing 25 marks.
- The standard of the paper will be the level of knowledge as expected of a graduate of any faculty of a recognized University.
- The preliminary Examination is a Screening Test for the selection of candidates for the Main Examination.
- Marks will not be considered for final selection.
- Only Preliminary qualified candidates shall be eligible for admission to the WBCS Main Examination of that year.
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Main Exam Pattern
- 4 Descriptive + 4 Objective (MCQ) type question paper.
- Each paper contains 200 marks.
- Total Marks = 200 X 8 = 1,600
- Time : 180 min
- 2 language paper – Descriptive type
- Paper I
- Bengali / Hindi / Urdu / Nepali/Santali
- Candidates need to choose one at the time of online application.
- Paper II
- English
- Paper I
- 4 General Studies paper – MCQ
- Correct answer : 1 mark
- Wrong answer : (-1/3) mark
- Paper Language : English
- Each paper contains 200 questions.
- Paper III – General Studies – I
- Indian History
- Geography
- Paper IV – General Studies – II
- Science & Technology
- Environment
- General knowledge
- Current affairs
- Paper V – General Studies – III
- Constitution of India
- Indian Economy
- Paper VI – General Studies – IV
- Mathematics
- Test of Reasoning
- Paper III – General Studies – I
- 2 Optional Subject Papers – Descriptive type
- Any 1 subject needs to choose from the prescribed list by WBPSC.
- Candidates need to choose an optional subject at the time of online application.
- The optional paper is only for those candidates who opted for Groups A & B.
- Paper Language : English
- Answers in all compulsory papers and Optional papers, except language papers, may be written either in English or in Bengali.
- Answers in the following optional papers may also be written in Nepali:
- Political Science
- Botany
- Candidates shall write their answers to all the questions in the same language in any particular paper.
- Candidates may use the Devanagari or Bengali Script in the answer papers on Sanskrit, the Devanagari Script in the answer papers on Hindi or Nepali, and the Bengali, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu in the answer papers on Bengali, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu respectively.
- Questions for Santali Paper will be set in Olchiki script and answers should also be written in Olchiki.
- Candidates can check the full WBCS Syllabus.
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WBCS Personality Test
- Selected candidates according to the results of the Main Examination for all the services shall have to appear at a Personality Test.
- Each candidate will be asked questions on matters of general interest.
- Object of test – assess personal qualities
- alertness of mind
- power of clear and logical exposition
- intellectual and moral integrity
- leadership
- candidate’s range of interests
- Candidates for Group ‘B’ Service (West Bengal Police Service) will be specially tested at the interviews with regard to their suitability for the service.
- Marks for the Personality Test
- Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ – 200 Marks
- Group ‘C’ – 150 Marks
- Group ‘D’ – 100 Marks
- No separate Personality Test will be held for different groups viz. Group ’A’, Group-‘B’, Group-‘C’, and Group-‘D’ in respect of a candidate.
- Marks will be awarded according to different services against allotted full marks for Personality Test.
- In all the answer papers under examination, due credit will be given for proper economy of words combined with clarity, precision, effectiveness of expression, and originality of approach.
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Results of the WBCS Examination
- The names of the candidates called to the Personality Test and those recommended for appointment will be published provisionally subject to the determination of eligibility of the candidates in all respects and verification of original certificates etc.
- If at any stage of such verification, any candidate is found ineligible, his / her candidature/allotment will be canceled.
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Medical Examination
- Candidates who will be selected for appointment will be required to appear before a Medical Board for certificates of their fitness for Government service in the form prescribed for the purpose.
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WBCS Exam Cut Off
- WBPSC releases cut-off numbers for different categories of candidates with the result of prelim, main, and interview.
- Cut-off numbers for all level varies every year in a wide range.
- It depends on the number of candidates selected for the next level.
- The minimum target score should be
- WBCS Prelim : 65%
- WBCS Main : 60%
- But we can’t predict anything as per the history of the WBCS exam cut-off.
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WBCS Exam Answer Key
- For the last few years, WBPSC has published answer keys for objective papers of the main and prelim exams.
- Candidates can raise objections for wrong answer keys through the official website within the time limit as per WBPSC notification.
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Groups of Services & Posts
- W.B.C.S. (Exe.) etc. exam is to be treated as a combined Competitive Examination comprising 4 separate and distinct examinations for 4 groups of services and posts.
- The examination is divided into groups : A, B, C, and D.
- A candidate may compete for all groups.
- Only one application need fill up for all groups.
- Candidates can choose one or more groups at the time of online application.
- Group A
- West Bengal Civil Service (Executive)
- Assistant Commissioner of Revenue in the integrated West Bengal Revenue Service
- West Bengal Co-operative Service
- West Bengal Labour Service
- West Bengal Food and Supplies Service
- West Bengal Employment Service
- Group B
- West Bengal Police Service
- Group C
- Superintendent, District Correctional Home / Deputy Superintendent, Central Correctional Home
- Joint Block Development Officer
- Deputy Assistant Director of Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices
- West Bengal Junior Social Welfare Service
- West Bengal Subordinate Land Revenue Service, Grade-I
- Assistant Commercial Tax Officer
- Joint Registrar (WB State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission under the Consumer Affairs Department, Govt. of WB)
- Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation)
- Chief Controller of Correctional Services
- Group D
- Inspector of Co-operative Societies
- Panchayat Development Officer under the Panchayat and Rural Development Department
- Rehabilitation Officer under the Refugee Relief and Rehabilitation Department
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West Bengal Civil Service Pay Scale
- Group A & B
- Pay level :16 (56,100 – 1,44,300) + D.A., M.A., and H.R.A. admissible as per rules.
- Group C
- Superintendent, District Correctional Home / Deputy Superintendent, Central Correctional Home :
- Pay level :15 (42,600 – 1,09,800 ) + D.A., M.A., and H.R.A. admissible as per rules.
- Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation) and Chief Controller of Correctional Services:
- Pay level :12 (35,800 – 92,100) + D.A., M.A., and H.R.A. admissible as per rules.
- All other posts
- Pay level :14 (39,900 – 1,02,800 ) + D.A., M.A., and H.R.A. admissible as per rules.
- Superintendent, District Correctional Home / Deputy Superintendent, Central Correctional Home :
- Group D
- Pay level :10 (32,100 – 82,900) + D.A., M.A., and H.R.A. admissible as per rules.
Choice of Groups of Services & Allotment
- A candidate may apply for one or more of the 4 groups of services, viz., A, B, C, and D.
- The candidate is required to state clearly in the appropriate column of the application the particular Group or Groups for which he/she intends to compete.
- No further application for a change of group(s) will be entertained.
- A number of candidates selected in order of merit on the results of the Main Examination for all the services and posts included in Groups A, B, C, and D will have to appear at a Personality Test.
- Candidates called to Personality Tests will be required to specify the order of their preference for the posts included in the Group or Groups for which they have applied.
- Choice of preference thus exercised will be deemed to be final and no alteration thereafter will be allowed.
- Allotment of candidates will be made in order of merit and according to the number of vacancies.
- Due consideration will be given, as far as practicable, to the preferences indicated by a candidate, if any, but the Commission reserves the right to allot the candidate to any service or post for which he/she is a candidate on consideration of his/her fitness and the number of vacancies available.
- All appointments will be made on a temporary basis in the first instance.
- Unless candidates indicate a preference for a post or service they shall not be recommended for such post or service even if they may be eligible.
- Belated request for being considered for appointment to such post or service is liable to rejection.
WBCS Exam Pattern Posts Age Limit Salary
West Bengal Civil Service Vacancies
- WBPSC doesn’t publish the total number of Vacancies in the application notification.
- It only publishes the full recommend candidate list with the final result.
- According to the WBPSC, the number of vacancies in different services and posts to be filled up on the examination results will be announced in due time.
- Posts of some groups may not be filled up on the basis of the results of the examination if vacancies for the same are not reported from the Department concerned within the stipulated time for filling up such vacancies.
WBCS Exam Eligibility Criteria
Educational & Language Criteria
- A degree from a recognized University.
- Ability to read, write and speak in Bengali.
- Not required for those candidates whose mother tongue is Nepali.
- The candidates must fulfill the requisite qualifications by the closing date of submission of the application.
Other Requirements
- The candidate must be
- A citizen of India (either natural or by registration), or
- Such other nationals as declared eligible by the Govt. of India.
- candidate must have a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Govt.
- candidate may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the Govt.
- The candidate must have good health and character and suitability in all respects for appointment to Government service.
Age Limit for WBCS Exam
- Group A & C
- Not below 21 years but not more than 36 years.
- Group B – West Bengal Police
- Age not below 20 years but not more than 36 years.
- Age between 20 & 21 years may apply for Group B only.
- Group D
- Not be below 21 years and not more than 39 years.
- Age must be calculated on the 1st of January of the year of examination.
- Age, as recorded only in the Madhyamik or equivalent certificate, will be accepted.
- The age limits apply to all the candidates whether in Govt. service or not.
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WBCS Exam Application
Mode of Application
- Applications can be submitted online only.
- Submission of more than one application by the same candidate is strictly forbidden and such applications are liable to cancellation.
- Examination centers need to choose at the time of online application.
- Application fee Rs.210/-
- Service Charge
- 1% of Examination Fee, min Rs.5/- for online payment through debit/credit card plus service charge /GST as applicable as Govt.
- Rs.5/- for Net Banking
- Rs.20/- for payment through Bank Counter (off-line payment)
- SC/ST candidates of West Bengal and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) having physical disability of 40% and above are not required to pay any fee.
- BC candidates of West Bengal are, however, required to pay the usual fee as aforesaid.
- No exemption of fee is available to SC/ST/BC candidates of other states.
- No claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserve for any other examination.
Special Conditions
Physical Standard Required
- West Bengal Police Service (Group B)
- Min height
- Male – 1.65 meter
- Female – 1.50 meter
- Third gender – 1.50 meter
- It’s subject to relaxation in the case of candidates belonging to races such as Gorkhas, Garwalis, Assamese Tribals, etc.
- Candidates intending to be considered for this Group must indicate their height in the appropriate column of the application form.
- Min height
- Assistant Canal Revenue Officer
- Have to work in remote areas and their jurisdiction will cover a large number of villages.
- Required to attend Tahsil and Zilla Offices for which they may have only cycles as the means of transport and to face and tackle the general public.
- West Bengal Junior Social Welfare Service
- A degree or Diploma or certificate in the training of the Blind and/or Deaf and Dumb shall be an essential qualification.
- Any person not possessing the above qualification may be appointed in these Homes on condition that he/she will have to receive in-service training for teaching the Blind and/or Deaf and Dumb.
- Male candidates will be unsuitable for the posts meant for institutions for females, and female candidates unsuitable for the posts meant for institutions for males.
- West Bengal Subordinate Land Revenue Service, Grade I
- No person shall be appointed to the service unless he has a good working knowledge of the Bengali Language, written and spoken.
- Candidates whose mother tongue is Nepali shall be exempted from this requirement, but will be required to pass, within a period of two years a departmental examination in Bengali.
- Selected candidates shall be appointed provisionally and shall undergo a period of 6 months of in-service training.
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WBCS Training Conditions
- The training shall include subjects such as cadastral survey, preparation of records-of-rights, Revenue Laws, and elementary instructions in all other laws relevant to the service.
- Incumbents who do not apply themselves to the in-service training with due diligence or fail to pass the end of Training Examination shall be liable to be discharged without notice.
- The period of training may also be extended in special circumstances.
Age relaxation
- The upper age limit is relaxable for S.C., S.T. & B.C. (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates of West Bengal.
- S.C. & S.T. candidates – 5 years
- B.C. Non-Creamy Layer – 3 years
- Persons with Disabilities (PWD) – 45 years.
- S.C./S.T./B.C. candidates of other States shall be treated as general candidates.
Rules Regarding PWD Candidates
- Candidates suffering from blindness, low vision, or locomotor disability / cerebral palsy may be allowed the help of a scribe if required.
- The commission, however, will not provide a scribe for such candidates.
- Scribes will have to be arranged by the candidates themselves.
- The scribe should possess an educational qualification not higher than the requisite qualification for the examination.
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Compensatory Time
- Candidates suffering from blindness or low vision, and candidates with locomotor disability/cerebral palsy will be allowed compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour.
Particulars & Certificates Required
- S.C., S.T., B.C. (Non-Creamy Layer) or Persons with Disabilities (40% and above) & Meritorious Sportspersons must have a certificate.
- Authority of West Bengal issued on or before the closing date of submission of application as specified below :
- S.C., S.T. & B.C.(Non–Creamy Layer) Candidates
- In the district, the Sub-Divisional Officer of the Sub-Division concerned, and
- In Kolkata, the District Magistrate, South 24-Parganas or such Additional District Magistrate, South 24-Parganas, as may be authorized by the District Magistrate, South 24-Parganas, in this behalf and the District Welfare Officer, Kolkata and Ex-officio Joint Director, Backward Classes Welfare.
- [vide the W.B.S.Cs. & S.Ts. (Identification) Act, 1994 and S.C. & S.T. Welfare Deptt. Order No. 261-TW/EC/MR-103/94 dated 6.4.95 read with B.C.W. Deptt. Order No.6320-BCH/MR-84/10, dated 24.09.2010, and No.2420-BCW/MR- 61/2012 (Pt.), dated 12.07.2013]
- For Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
- A Medical Board is constituted at Government Medical College Hospitals in Kolkata, District Hospitals, and Sub-divisional Hospitals.
- [vide West Bengal Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Rules, 1999] The Public Service Commission may require such further proof or particulars from the candidates as it may consider necessary and may make inquiries about their character and other particulars regarding suitability and eligibility.
- For Meritorious Sportspersons (Applicable only for candidates applying for the Group. D Posts)
- Competent Authorities for issuing Certificates to Meritorious Sportspersons are as follows : Area Competent Authority International Competition Secretary of the National Federation/National Association of the Sports concerned.
- National Competition Secretary of the State Association of Sports concerned.
- Inter-University Tournament Dean/Director of Sports or other Officer in overall charge of Sports of the University concerned.
- National Sports / Games for School Education Director or Deputy Director in overall charge of Sports/Games for Schools in the Directorate of School Education, West Bengal.
- S.C., S.T. & B.C.(Non–Creamy Layer) Candidates
- BC (Non–Creamy Layer) candidates must submit their renewed/revalidated BC (Non–Creamy Layer) certificates at the time of appointment.
- The Public Service Commission may require such further proof or particulars from the candidates as it may consider necessary and may make inquiries about their character and other particulars regarding suitability and eligibility.
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Special Instructions
- The candidates must abide by the instructions as may be given by Invigilators of the Examination.
- If the candidate fails to do so, he/she will render such punishment as the Commission may deem fit to impose.
- A candidate who has been reported against by the Supervisor of the Examination Centre for violating any of the instructions will be punished with cancellation of candidature and also debarment from future examinations and selections as may be decided by the Commission according to the circumstances of the case.
- If at any stage even after issuing the letter of appointment, a candidate is found ineligible in terms of advertisement his / her candidature will be canceled without further reference to him/her.
- The conditions prescribed cannot be relaxed in any case other than those mentioned in this Advertisement.
- A candidate should note that his / her admission to the examination will be deemed provisional subject to the determination of his / her eligibility in all respects.
- If at any stage after the issue of the admit card a candidate is found ineligible for admission to this examination, his / her candidature will be canceled without further reference to him/her.
- No candidate shall be allowed to take the examination unless he/she holds a valid admit card.
- Candidates are not allowed to carry mobile phones or any other gadget of communication inside the examination halls.
- This instruction must be strictly adhered to.
- There will be arrangements for frisking of the candidates at entry points of venues – separately for male and female candidates so that candidates with mobile phones or any other gadget of communication may not enter the venue.
- Candidates allotted in a particular venue will in no case be admitted to a venue other than that indicated in the admit card issued by the commission.
- Any attempt on the part of a candidate to enlist support for his / her application through persons, officials of the Government, or agencies will disqualify him/her for an appointment.
- Spontaneous recommendations from persons interested in the candidates, or otherwise known to them, will be disregarded and will render the candidates ineligible.
Deduction of Marks
- The penalty shall be imposed in case of disclosure of identity in the answer script of the examination as per the Rules of the Commission.
- There shall be negative markings for each wrong answer to multiple-choice questions (MCQ) type.
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Discretion of the Commission
- The Commission has the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the papers/subjects and in the aggregate.
- If a candidate fails to secure qualifying marks in any paper/subject, the marks in that paper/subject will not be considered in calculating his / her aggregate.