National Commission for SCs
- Article 338, Part – XVI
- Originally, Article 338 of the Constitution provided for the appointment of a Special Officer for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs).
- He was designated as the Commissioner for SCs and STs.
- In 1978, the Government (through a Resolution) set up a non-statutory multi-member Commission for SCs and STs.
- The Office of Commissioner for SCs and STs also continued to exist
- Later, the 65th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1995 provided for the establishment of a high level multi-member National Commission for SCs and STs
- The 89th Constitutional Amendment Act of 2003 bifurcated the combined National Commission for SCs and STs
- It makes two separate bodies
- National Commission for SCs came into existence in 2004.
- Same for National Commission for SC & ST.
- It has chairman, vice chairman and 3 other members.
- All appointed by the president.
- Their condition of service and tenure is determined by the president.
- Currently, tenure is 3 years.
- Chairman has status of a cabinet minister and vice chairman has a rank of a minister of state.
- Same for National Commission for SC & ST.
- Safeguard, planning and inquiries regarding SCs.
- The commission presents an annual report upon the working of those safeguards to the President.
- It can also submit a report as and when it thinks necessary.
- The President places all such reports before the Parliament.
- President also forwards any report of the Commission pertaining to a state government to the state governor.
- Make recommendations to Union or a state for the protection, welfare and socio-economic development of the SCs.
- Acts as a civil court when it tries a suit and can
- Summon witness, examine a person on oath
- Official records
- Receive affidavits
- Any other function as the president determines
- SC commission has to perform same functions for any backward caste as president may determine and the Anglo–Indian community.
- Centre and states have to consult these commissions while formulating policies for SC and ST.
National Commission for ST
- Article 338-A, Part – XVI
- The separate National Commission for STs came into existence in 2004.
- It consists of a chairperson, a vice-chairperson and 3 other members.
- They have all the powers of a civil court.
- To investigate, safeguards for the Scheduled Tribes.
- To inquire into specific complaints with respect to the deprivation of rights and safeguards of the Scheduled Tribes.
- Participate and advise in the planning process of socio-economic development of the Scheduled Tribes under the Union and any State
- The commission presents an annual report upon the working of those safeguards to the President.
- It can also submit a report as and when it thinks necessary.
- The President places all such reports before the Parliament
Other Functions of Commission
- In 2005, the President specified some other functions of the Commission in relation to the protection, welfare and development and advancement of the STs
- Measures to be taken over conferring ownership rights in respect of minor forest produce to STs living in forest areas
- Safeguard rights of the tribal communities over mineral resources, water resources etc. as per law
- Elicit maximum cooperation and involvement of tribal communities for protecting forests and undertaking social afforestation
- Ensure full implementation of the Provisions of Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996
- Reduce and ultimately eliminate the practice of shifting cultivation by tribals that lead to their continuous dis-empowerment and degradation of land and the environment
Special Office for Linguistic Minorities
- Article 350-B, Part – XVII
- A Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities came into existence by 7th Constitutional Amendment – 1956
- Appointed by the President of India
- It would be the duty of the Special Officer to investigate all matters relating to the safeguards provided for linguistic minorities
- Constitution don’t specify Qualification, tenure, salaries, allowances, service condition and removal of him.
- HQ at Allahabad.
- Regional office – Belgaum, Chennai, Kolkata headed by assistant commissioner for Linguistic Minorities.
- Office came under Ministry of Minority Affairs.
- The commission presents an annual report to President through Ministry of Minority Affairs.
- The linguistic minorities are determined on a state–wise basis.