Pushyabhuti Dynasty – Harshavardhan


Pushyabhuti Dynasty

  • The decline of the Gupta Empire had, resulted in the splitting of northern India into several kingdoms.
  • Most important of those was Pushyabhuti dynasty.
  • Harshavardhan was the most important ruler of Pushyabhuti dynasty.
  • They were feudatory of the Guptas and were known as Vardhans.
  • Their capital was at Thanesar (near Kurukshetra, Haryana).
  • Major historical sources of information regarding the Pushyabhuti dynasty
    • Harshacharita – biography of king Harshavardhan written by Banabhatta.
    • Si Yu  Ki – written by Chinese pilgrim Hsuan Tsang / Xuanzang.


pushyabhuti dynasty king harshavardhan huan tsang shashanka


Prabhakar Vardhana

  • Prabhakar Vardhana established marital alliances with the Maukharis of Kannauj
  • He married Rajyashri, daughter of the Maukhari ruler Grahavarman.
  • After the death of Prabhakar Vardhana, his elder son Rajya Vardhana came to the throne.


Harshavardhan (606 – 647)

  • Rajyavardhana left the reigns of governance in the hands of Harshavardhan and went for a campaign against the ruler of Malwa, Devagupta and Shashanka, the ruler of Gauda.
  • Shashanka had imprisoned their sister Rajyashri and killed her husband Grahavarman.
  • Rajyavardhana defeated the Malwa army and killed Devagupta.
  • But he was unfortunately killed by Shashanka.
  • Harshavardhan succeeded Rajyavardhana after his death, at the age of 16.
  • He forged an alliance with Bhaskaravarman, the Kamarupa king and marched towards Kannauj and rescued his sister Rajyashri.
  • Kannauj subsequently came under the sovereignty of Pushyabhutis.
  • Later, Harshavardhan also defeated Shashanka and extended his control over parts of Kongoda in Orissa.
  • He is known as the last great Hindu king of India.
  • Harshavardhan was originally a Shaiva but also supported Buddhism.
  • It is believed that Hiuen Tsang converted him to Mahayana Buddhism.
  • Harshavardhan prohibited animal slaughter for food in his kingdom.
  • He was also described as lord of the north (sakalauttarapathanatha).
  • Banabhatta was his court poet.
  • Banabhatta wrote Harshacharita and one of the world’s earliest novels, Kadambari.



Kannauj Assembly

  • It was presided over by Hiuen Tsang.
  • 20 kings, 1000 scholars of Nalanda University, 3000 Brahmins and Jains attended this assembly at Kannauj.
  • Hiuen Tsang explained and established superiority of values of Mahayana doctrine over others.
  • However, violence broke out and an assassination attempt was made on Harshavardhan’s life.


Allahabad Assembly (Prayag Assembly)

  • It was held for 75 days, where quinquennial distribution by the king to the people happened.
  • Hiuen Tsang was invited by king Harshavardhan at Prayag.
  • Hiuen Tsang writes that Harsha actually gave away everything from the royal treasury.



Gauda Kingdom

Shashanka (590 – 625)

  • King Shashanka created the first separate political entity in the Bengal
  • His capital was at Karnasubarna, present day Murshidabad in West Bengal.
  • The development of the Bengali calendar is often attributed to Shashanka
  • Prior to Shashanka, Bengal was divided into three regions, Banga, Samatata and Gauda.
  • Shashanka rose to power taking the advantage of the weak ruler.
  • After death of Mahasenagupta, Shashanka drove the later Guptas and other prominent nobles.
  • He was succeeded by his son, Manava.
  • However, Gauda kingdom was soon divided amongst Harsha and Bhaskaravarman of Kamarupa.



Huan Tsang Account

  • Book Si Yu  Ki
  • Biography – Hui Li
  • According to Huan Tsang, dowry & Sati system was  prevalent in Indian society with no system of widow remarriage.
  • Sudras were known as agriculturist.
  • Trade declined & less issuance of coins because of political and economic uncertainty.
  • Grants of land gained popularity.
  • Thieves at state were met with extreme punishments.
  • The first written evidence of the Kumbha Mela can be found in Huan Tsang book.



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