Draft a Report – English – WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

Draft a Report – English – WBPSC Miscellaneous Main

Draft a Report - English - WBPSC Miscellaneous Main Question Paper

Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2019

3. As the Secretary of your Co-curricular Activities Club, you visited a slum area in your city where the people suffered a great loss of life and property in a massive fire. The students of schools and colleges of the area rendered their services and material help to the victims. Write a report in not more than 200 words for a local newspaper. 40

[Write X, Y, Z, in lieu of your name, address, etc. if needed.]




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2018

3. Write a report in not more than 200 words on ‘Accidents due to misuse of mobile phones’:

Causes, Consequences and Corrective Measures. Utilize the points given below:       40

Points: Increase in the Use of Mobile Phones thus misusing mobile phones. Using mobile phones for other than making or receiving phone calls in the street, while crossing railway tracks, beside a waterbody, etc.

Consequences: Fatal Accidents, Death, Causing grave suffering and injury to self or to others.

Causes: Using mobile phones to take photographs, or make video in busy street, or while crossing roads and railway tracks, near a waterbody or in the terrace and balcony. Talking while walking in the busy streets, or while driving a car.

Action to be taken: Punishment for using mobile phones while driving, or crossing roads and railway tracks. Caution notices for people using mobile phones while walking in the streets or driving. Absolute prohibition for taking photographs/videos while driving, walking, crossing in a busy street or in the railway tracks.

[Write X, Y, Z, in lieu of your name, address, etc. If needed.]




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2010

2. Draft a report of train-accident on the basis of the points given below: 40

(a) Place and Nature of accident

(b) Cause of accident

(c) Casuality

(d) Measures taken




Miscellaneous Question Paper – 2009

2. Write a report in not more than 200 words on ‘Campaign against Polio’ camp organized in your locality.

Utilize the points supplied herewith (Write X, Y, Z) in place of your name and place— name etc, if necessary:                                                                         40


Points:- Place where it was organized — children mainly victimised — creation of awareness  — intake of medicine can lead to the eradication of the disease from India  — type of response received





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