Arithmetic – Kolkata Police SI Previous Year Question Paper

Arithmetic – Kolkata Police SI Previous Year Question Paper

Arithmetic - Kolkata Police SI Previous Year Question Paper

Kolkata Police SI Question Paper – 2024

2. The capacity of pipe A is thrice that of pipe B. The time taken by pipe A to fill in the tank is 16 minutes less than the time taken by B to do the same. If both the pipes A and B work together, in how many minutes the tank will be filled in?

(A) 6

(B) 8

(C) 10

(D) 4


5. ₹9,195 is distributed among A, B and C in such a way that if ₹45, ₹60 and ₹90 respectively are deducted from the sum they received, the ratio of money received by A, B and C becomes 2 : 3 : 4. What is the amount received by B? (in ₹)

(A) 2,045

(B) 4,090

(C) 3,600

(D) 3,060


7. There is 20 litres milk in a container. 4 litres of milk is withdrawn and substituted by 4 litres of water. The same process is repeated again. How many litres of milk of milk will be left?

(A) 13.2

(B) 13.8

(C) 12.4

(D) 12.8


18. A and B were moving in cycles in same direction at a speed of 8 metres/sec and 5 metres/sec respectively. At a given time B was 180 metres ahead of A. In next 70 seconds what shall be the distance between them (in metre)?

(A) 30

(B) 50

(C) 60

(D) 40


22. A businessman earns a profit of 25% even selling the cloth in cost price. Then calculate while selling 1 metre of cloth, actually he gives how many cm of cloth?

(A) 70

(B) 80

(C) 85

(D) 75


25. On 1st January A and B started a business investing ₹40,000 and ₹60,000 respectively. On 1st March, A invested ₹20,000 more and on 1st June B withdraws ₹10,000. If till 31st December, they yielded a profit of ₹33,250, what shall be the share of B (in ₹)?

(A) 17,000

(B) 17,250

(C) 16,000

(D) 16,250


27. A person opened term deposit in the name of his two daughters at 15% rate of interest in such a way that when they will attain 18 years of age, they will get ₹38,000 each. Since his elder daughter was 12, he kept ₹4,800 more for her than his younger daughter. What was the amount he kept for his younger daughter (in ₹)?

(A) 20,000

(B) 18,200

(C) 15,200

(D) 35,200


29. Simplify:


(A) 13¹³⁄₁₄

(B) 11¹³⁄₁₄

(C) 14¹¹⁄₁₃

(D) 13¹¹⁄₁₄


31. What is the difference in interest yielded in 10% compound rate and simple rate on a sum of ₹1,000 for 3 years ?

(A) 30

(B) 32

(C) 35

(D) 31


38. To leave the same remainder 123, 178 and 244 shall be divided by which greatest number?

(A) 9

(B) 13

(C) 15

(D) 11


41. A, B and C are three ferry ghats located on the same bank of a river and B is located just at the midpoint of A and C. The current flows from C to A. A boat takes 6 hrs and 20 mins to return to A, starting from A and touching B. The same boat takes 8 hrs to reach C from A. How much time it would take to come to A from C?

(A) 2 hrs 20 mins

(B) 4 hrs 20 mins

(C) 4 hrs 40 mins

(D) 4 hrs


44. In a constituency 25% of the voters restrained from voting. Out of the total votes cast, 2% votes were found to be invalid. The candidates who has won, got 75% of the valid votes, which is 9261. How many voters were there?

(A) 16000

(B) 18000

(C) 16800

(D) 16400


58. A watch gets slow by 6 minutes in every hour. At morning 7 am, time of the watch has been corrected with that of another watch giving genuine time. When it will be 4 past 20 minutes original time, what time will be shown in the faulty watch?

(A) 3 past 28 mins

(B) 3 past 24 mins

(C) 3 past 16 mins

(D) 3 past 32 mins


60. A’s capacity to complete a work is thrice that of B. A completes the work 20 days prior to B. In how many days they can complete the work, if they work together?

(A) 7

(B) 8

(C) 8(½)

(D) 7(½)


62. A student saves ₹1 on first day, ₹2 on second day, ₹4 on 3rd day, ₹8 on 4th day and so on. What shall be his total savings in 12 days (in ₹) ?

(A) 4095

(B) 3095

(C) 4995

(D) 3995


67. The perimeter of a rectangular field is 20 cm and its area is 24 sq cm. What is the difference of length and breadth of the field (in cm)?

(A) 1

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 2


71. A person sells a product after giving 15% discount on marked price and earns a profit of 19%. If he would not have given any discount, what would be his percentage of profit?

(A) 34

(B) 36

(C) 40

(D) 42


73. Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 5. If 10 is added with both the numbers, the ratio becomes 5 : 7. What is the sum of two numbers?

(A) 8

(B) 35

(C) 40

(D) 16


77. Find out the least perfect square which is divisible by 21, 36 and 66.

(A) 213444

(B) 156816

(C) 186624

(D) 254016


80. In compound interest a given sum in a year becomes ₹5,500 and in 3 years ₹6,655. What was the rate of interest?

(A) 8

(B) 12

(C) 15

(D) 10


84. A train was moving at a speed of 45 km/hr. It takes 18 seconds to cross a person coming from opposite side at a speed of 5 km/hr. What is the length of the train (in metre)?

(A) 200

(B) 180

(C) 250

(D) 220


87. A person divided ₹2,000 in two parts and kept in bank for 1 year. First part yields an interest of 10% and the second part yields an interest of 205 and overall he receives an interest of ₹320. What was the first part of the sum (in ₹) ?

(A) 1,200

(B) 600

(C) 1,400

(D) 800


91. In a school, average age of 10 students is 10.3 years. Out of them average age of 3 students is 12 years and average age of 5 students is 9 years. What is the average age of remaining 2 students (in years) ?

(A) 8

(B) 11

(C) 13

(D) 10


94. The sum of marks obtained by Arun in English and Mathematics is 179 and the difference is 10. What is the ratio of marks obtained by Arun in English and Mathematics?

(A) 7 : 8

(B) 9 : 8

(C) 9 : 7

(D) 8 : 7


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Kolkata Police SI Question Paper – 2022

  1. If the diagonal of a square is doubled, then how much time will be its area?

(A) two times

(B) four times

(C) three times

(D) same


  1. Which is the least number that should be added to 2055, so that the sum is exactly divisible by 27?

(A) 24

(B) 27

(C) 31

(D) 28


  1. If the difference between Compound Interest and Simple Interest on a certain sum of money for 2 years. @ 5% p.a. is Rs.122, find the sum of money.

(A) Rs.48,800

(B) Rs.15,000

(C) Rs.14,000

(D) Rs.16,000


  1. The profit after selling a shirt Rs.863 is same as the loss incurred after selling the same shirt for Rs.631. What is the cost price of the shirt?

(A) Rs.747

(B) Rs.800

(C) Rs.750

(D) Rs.763


  1. 14785 – 358 – 4158 – 9514 = ?

(A) 785

(B) 825

(C) 755

(D) 721


  1. The smallest positive integer, which when multiplied by 392 gives a perfect square, is

(A) 7

(B) 3

(C) 2

(D) 5


  1. 12 men construct 1.5 km of road in 7 days. 28 men will construct 12 km of roads in how many days?

(A) 38 days

(B) 24 days

(C) 20 days

(D) 28 days


  1. Present ages of A and B are in the ratio 5 : 6. After seven years this ratio becomes 6 : 7. Then the present age of A in years is

(A) 32

(B) 30

(C) 33

(D) 35


  1. 56% of Y is 182. What is the value of Y?

(A) 330

(B) 364

(C) 350

(D) 325


  1. A can complete a piece of work in 12 days. A and B together can complete the same piece of work in 8 days. In how many days can B alone complete the same piece of work?

(A) 28 days

(B) 18 days

(C) 15 days

(D) 24 days


  1. The driver of an ambulance sees a bus moving in the same direction 40 meter ahead of him. After 20 second, the bus is 60 metre behind. If the speed of the ambulance is 30 km/hr, what is the speed of the bus?

(A) 22 km/hr

(B) 12 km/hr

(C) 10 km/hr

(D) 15 km/hr


  1. The ratio of the length and the breadth of a rectangular plot is 6 : 5. If the breadth of the plot is 34 meter less than the length, what is the perimeter of the rectangular plot?

(A) 748 m

(B) 408 m

(C) 374 m

(D) 814 m


  1. ¾th of ²⁄₉th of ⅕th of a number is 249.6. What is 50% of that number?

(A) 3734

(B) 3794

(C) 3744

(D) 3749


  1. [(12)2×(14)2] ÷ (16)2 = ?

(A) 104.25

(B) 282.24

(C) 110.25

(D) 126

  1. A train, 100 metre long, moving at a speed of 50 km/hr crosses a train 120 meter long coming from the opposite direction in 6 second. The speed of the second train is

(A) 74 km/hr

(B) 82 km/hr

(C) 60 km/hr

(D) 70 km/hr


  1. ( -251 × 21 × -12) ÷ ? = 158.13. Find the value of ‘?’.

(A) 150

(B) 400

(C) 250

(D) 300



(A) 43

(B) 73

(C) 63

(D) 53


  1. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 200% and the denominator of a fraction is increased by 120%, the resultant fraction becomes ⁴⁄₁₁. What is the original fraction ?

(A) ⁶⁄₁₁

(B) ³⁄₁₁

(C) ⁴⁄₁₅

(D) ⁵⁄₁₂


  1. The average price of 80 mobile phones is Rs.30,000. If the highest and the lowest price mobile phones are sold out, then the average price of remaining 78 mobile phones is Rs.29,500. The cost of the highest price is Rs.80,000. The cost of the lowest price mobile is

(A) Can’t be determined

(B) Rs.15,000

(C) Rs.18,000

(D) Rs.19,000


  1. In certain years a sum of money is doubled itself at 6(¼)% simple interest per annum, then the required time will be

(A) 8 years

(B) 10(⅔) years

(C) 16 years

(D) 12(½) years


  1. 10% discount and then 20% discount in succession is equivalent to total discount of

(A) 24%

(B) 28%

(C) 30%

(D) 15%


  1. Find the sum of 30 natural numbers.

(A) 463

(B) 468

(C) 470

(D) 465


  1. Divide 81 into three parts so that ½ of 1st, ⅓rd of 2nd and ¼ of 3rd are equal.

(A) 30, 27, 24

(B) 27, 18, 30

(C) 36, 26, 18

(D) 18, 27, 36


  1. Which of the two ratios 17 : 18 and 10 : 11 is greater?

(A) Can’t determine

(B) 10 : 11

(C) 17 : 18

(D) Both are same


  1. 729 ml of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 7 : 2. How much more water is to be added to get a new mixture containing milk and water in the ratio 7 : 3?

(A) 52 ml

(B) 81 ml

(C) 60 ml

(D) 71 ml


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