Before 1857 & Revolt – History – WBCS Main Question Paper

Before 1857 Revolt  History WBCS Main Question Paper
Sepoy Revolt questions

WBCS Main Question Paper – 2023

5. Fort William College was founded in

(A) 1800

(B) 1820

(C) 1850

(D) 1900


12. Who was associated with the ‘Sunset Law‘?

(A) Lord Lytton

(B) Lord Ripon

(C) Lord William Bentinck

(D) Lord Cornwallis


14. Who was the first Indian ruler to accept the Subsidiary Alliance?

(A) The Nawab of Bengal

(B) The Nizam of Hyderabad

(C) The Nawab of Awadh

(D) Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao


15. Which Governor General introduced the ‘Doctrine of Lapse‘?

(A) Lord Cornwallis

(B) Lord Dalhousie

(C) Lord Wellesley

(D) Lord Ripon


21. Who started the Brahmo Samaj Movement?

(A) Dayananda Saraswati

(B) Raja Rammohan Roy

(C) Swami Vivekananda

(D) Mahadev Govind Ranade


22. The Ryotwari System was first introduced in

(A) Bengal

(B) Delhi

(C) Madras

(D) Gujarat


29. Who appointed the Amini Commission?

(A) Lord Cornwallis

(B) Lord Dalhousie

(C) Lord Warren Hastings

(D) Lord Minto


47. Nadir Shah invaded India in

(A) 1708

(B) 1688

(C) 1739

(D) 1750


49. Who was the leader of Santhal Rebellion?

(A) Sindhu Murmu

(B) Jyotiba Phule

(C) Birsa Munda

(D) Vishnucharan Biswas


69. Sati Act was passed in the year

(A) 1856

(B) 1829

(C) 1729

(D) 1929


70. Third battle of Panipat took place in

(A) 1761

(B) 1740

(C) 1770

(D) 1707


90. The signatories of the Treaty of Bassein (1802) were the English East India Company and

(A) the Sikhs

(B) the Marathas

(C) Nizam of Hyderabad

(D) Tipu Sultan


92. Hindu College was established in

(A) 1817

(B) 1812

(C) 1858

(D) 1885




WBCS Main Question Paper – 2022

9. The Hindu College was founded in the year

(A) 1818

(B) 1816

(C) 1817

(D) 1819


29. Nawab Alivardi Khan was the grandfather of

(A) Shuja ud Daulah

(B) Siraj ud Daulah

(C) Sarfraz Khan

(D) Mir Qasim


32. The Battle of Plassey was fought in

(A) 1756

(B) 1757

(C) 1780

(D) 1790


37. The Tattwabodhini Patrika was founded by

(A) Raja Rammohan Roy

(B) Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar

(C) Debendranath Tagore

(D) Keshab Sen


43. The Permanent Settlement was passed in the year

(A) 1803

(B) 1813

(C) 1793

(D) 1834


63. Raja Rammohan Roy was the founder of

(A) Bahujan Sabha

(B) Brahmo Sabha

(C) Jatiyo Sabha

(D) Lok Sabha


65. The Battle of Buxar took place in the year

(A) 1765

(B) 1764

(C) 1795

(D) 1800


69. The Hindoo Patriot was edited by

(A) Manmohan Ghosh

(B) Harish Chandra Mukherjee

(C) Debendranath Tagore

(D) Acharya Binoba Bhave


98. Satidaha Bill was passed in the year

(A) 1830

(B) 1829

(C) 1831

(D) 1832


199. The first passenger train in India ran between

(A) Bombay and Thane

(B) Bombay and Pune

(C) Bombay and Nasik

(D) Calcutta and Serampore




WBCS Main Question Paper – 2021

5. Which of the following statements is not true of the Permanent Settlement?

(A) The settlement was introduced initially as a decennial settlement

(B) It gave rise to a market in land

(C) It resulted in pauperisation of the peasantry

(D) None of the above


11. According to which treaty were Tipu’s children held in Calcutta as security pending payment of compensation to the Company?

(A) Treaty of Madras

(B) Treaty of Mangalore

(C) Treaty of Seringapattanam

(D) Treaty of Trichinopolly


16. Which treaty brought the second Anglo-Mysore war to a close?

(A) Madras

(B) Seringapattanam

(C) Trichinopolly

(D) Mangalore


18. Under the Ryotwari system, after how many years could there be a reassessment of revenue demand?

(A) 10 years

(B) 20 years

(C) 30 years

(D) Never


21. Of the death of which Maratha leader was it said, “with him departed all the wisdom in the Maratha State”?

(13 March 1800)

(A) Peshwa Madhav Rao

(B) Mahadaji Sindhia

(C) Nana Fadnavis

(D) Yashwant Rao Holkar


29. Who among the following did not benefit territorially from the Treaty of Seringapatam?

(18 March 1792)

(A) The Company

(B) Hyderabad

(C) The Marathas

(D) Bhonsle of Berar


42. Which of the following settlements was a result of the Holt Mackenzie surveys of the 1820s?

(UP, NW province, Central, Punjab)

(A) Taluqdari system

(B) Ryotwari system

(C) Anganwadi system

(D) Mahalwari system


45. In which year was Satara, the family seat of the house of Shivaji, annexed by the British?

(A) 1835

(B) 1842

(C) 1848

(D) 1854


76. Who was the only Governor-General of Bengal to be appointed twice to the office?

(A) Lord Clive

(B) Lord Cornwallis

(C) Lord Wellesley

(D) Lord Bentinck


84. Who was the only Governor-General Bengal to be impeached by the British Parliament

(1787 – 1795)

(A) Robert Clive

(B) Warren Hastings

(C) Lord Wellesley

(D) None of the above


92. In which year was the Treaty of Salbai signed?

(A) 1776

(B) 1782

(C) 1793

(D) 1802


93. Why did Mir Qasim shift his capital from Murshidabad to Munger?

(A) Murshidabad was easily accessible from Calcutta by the riverine route.

(B) The defensive fortifications of Murshidabad were inadequate given Company’s fire power.

(C) It was easier to receive military support from Awadh and North India undetected.

(D) All of the above


106. How did the British victory in Bengal help them prevail over the French in the Carnatic?

(A) Troops and resources from Bengal were made available in the Carnatic.

(B) Sir Eyre Coote, despatched by Clive, inflicted a crushing defeat on the French.

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) Neither (A) nor (B)


121. Which of the following was not true of the Treaty of Madras, 1769?

(A) It was forced by Haidar after a victorious campaign against the combined forces of the Madras Council and the Nizam of Hyderabad.

(B) It entailed a defensive alliance between Mysore and the Company.

(C) The Company was exempted from the compulsion of defensive alliance if Mysore went to war with Hyderabad.

(D) None of the above


127. Where among the following places was Permanent Settlement not introduced?

(1 May 1793)

(A) Bengal

(B) Bihar

(C) Assam

(D) Punjab


151. By which treaty was Gulab Singh given the kingdom of Jammu and Kashmir?

(26 Dec 1846)

(A) Treaty of Amritsar

(B) Treaty of Lahore

(C) Treaty of Bhairowal

(D) Treaty of Jullundar


159. With the revenue settlement of which region was Montsuart Elphinstone associated?


(A) Punjab

(B) Agra

(C) Bombay

(D) Awadh


162. Who was the editor of the Rast Goftar?

(A) Amir Ali

(B) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(C) Maulana Azad

(D) Dadabhai Naoroji


167. Which of the following were not coveted by Tipu Sultan?

(A) Coorg

(B) Guntoor

(C) Calicut and Travancore

(D) None of the above


193. Which of the following was not true of the Treaty of Surat?

(A) It was concluded between Raghunath Rao and the Calcutta Council of the East India Company.

(B) The Company pledged military assistance to restore Raghunath Rao to power.

(C) The Company was to gain Thana, Salsette and Bassein.

(D) The Company was to receive revenue collected from Surat and Broach.


198. Which Governor-General of Bengal set up the General Committee of Public Instruction to supervise Company’s expenditure in the realm of education?


(A) Lord Hastings

(B) Lord Amherst

(C) Lord Bentinck

(D) Charles Metcalfe




WBCS Main Question Paper – 2020

  1. Which of the following statements about Henry Louis Vivian Derozio is incorrect?

(Hindu College, Kolkata)

(A) He was born in Calcutta in 1809.

(B) He taught at the Sanskrit College between 1826-1830.

(C) He died of Cholera at the age of 22.

(D) His followers were known as Derozians.


  1. The Asiatic Society of Bengal was founded by


(A) Ram Mohan Roy

(B) William Jones

(C) W.W. Hunter

(D) William Bentinck


  1. The Peshwa accepted the Subsidiary Alliance with the British by


(A) Treaty of Purandhar

(B) Treaty of Bassein

(C) Treaty of Salbai

(D) Treaty of Surji Arjangaon


  1. The Revolt of 1857 did not acquire much intensity in

(A) Delhi

(B) Awadh

(C) Bombay

(D) The Chambal region


  1. Permission to the British to establish their trading centre at Surat was given by the Mughal Emperor


(A) Babur

(B) Humayun

(C) Akbar

(D) Jahangir


  1. The administrative consequence of the Revolt of 1857 was the transfer of power from

(A) East India Company to the British Crown.

(B) British Crown to the East India Company.

(C) East India Company to the Governor General.

(D) British Crown to the Board of Directors.


  1. The English East India Company ceased to be a trading company by which of the following legislations?

(A) Pitts India Act of 1784

(B) Charter Act of 1833

(C) Charter Act of 1813

(D) Government of India Act, 1858


  1. The revolt of the Khasis against the British was led by

(U Tirot Sing Syiem)

(A) Surendra Rai

(B) Titu Mir

(C) Birsa Munda

(D) Utkot Sing


  1. Which of the following reform movements was the first to be started in the 19th Century?

(20 Aug 1828)

(A) Prarthana Samaj

(B) Arya Samaj

(C) Brahmo Samaj

(D) Rama Krishna Mission


  1. Which European power was the last to reach India?

(A) Portuguese

(B) The Dutch

(C) British

(D) French


  1. The treaty of Seringapatam is associated with the end of

(A) Second Anglo – Maratha war

(B) Third Anglo – Maratha war

(C) Third Anglo – Mysore war

(D) Fourth Anglo – Mysore war


  1. Vasco da Gama, the sailor was a

(A) Portuguese

(B) American

(C) German

(D) Italian


  1. Universities in the Presidency towns in India were established in the year

(A) 1857

(B) 1858

(C) 1900

(D) 1909


122. Tobacco was introduced into India by the

(A) Chinese

(B) Portuguese

(C) English

(D) French


123. The modern iron and steel industry in India has its beginning in 1870 when Bengal Iron Works Company was established in

(A) Kulti

(B) Bishnupur

(C) Cossipore

(D) None of the above




WBCS Main Question Paper – 2019

59. The chief Dutch export from the Coromandel Ports was
(A) Textiles
(B) Indigo
(C) Spices
(D) Saltpeter
60. Which of the following is not one of the arrangements made by the English after defeating the Marathas in the third Anglo-Maratha war?
(A) The Peshwaship was abolished.
(B) Holkar was forced to enter into a subsidiary alliance.
(C) The Gaekwar entered in to a subsidiary alliance.
(D) The small kingdom of Satara formed out of Peswa dominions was given to Pratap Singh.
63. After Bengal, the English secured the rights of duty free trade in the dominions of
(A) Raja of Benaras
(B) Nawab of Awadh
(C) The Nizam of Hyderabad
(D) The Jats of Bharatpur
64. A remarkable feature of the spread of landlordism was the growth of
(A) Aristocracy
(B) Capitalism
(C) Sub-infeudation
(D) Cultivation
65. When did the Company lose its monopoly of Indian trade which was thrown open to all Britons?
(A) 1813
(B) 1833
(C) 1853
(D) 1793
66. The extension of the cultivation of indigo, cotton, opium, tea and coffee in India, besides benefitting the British planters, also benefited
(A) The Zamindars
(B) The small merchants
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) The Indian Bankers
67. What was the primary reason for the failure of Mahalwari Settlement in checking the process of destruction of the village communities?
(A) It was introduced only as a temporary measure to be replaced ultimately by the rayatwari system
(B) Individual rights the land were recognized and guaranteed by the state.
(C) There were several defects and lacunae in the implementation of the measure
(D) It met with severe opposition from certain sections of the village community.
68. Which of the following was the chief organizer of the Revolt of 1857 in Bihar?
(A) Amar Singh
(B) Kunwar Singh
(C) Pir Ali
(D) Imaduddin
69. Which of the following consequences of the British rule did not affect the Muslim middle classes?
(A) The tyranny of the British Indigo Planters
(B) The disbandment of the Nawab’s forces
(C) The abolition of the rural police
(D) The resumptions of Imam’s lands which provided sustenance to the learned


WBCS Main Question Paper – 2018

92. Landholders’ Association was founded in the year ___ 
a) 1838 
b) 1851 
c) 1875   
d) 1876
96. Rast Goftar was a newspaper established by 
a) Muhammad Ali
b) Zafar Ali Khan
c) Syed Agmathullah
d) Dadabhai Naoroji
110. What was the plausible reason for the English to take up additional fortifications of Calcutta?
a) To protect English trade from local disturbances
b) To protect themselves from the French on the occasion of ‘Seven Years War’
c) The English discounted like many others the chances of Siraj ud daula’s accession and hence paid scant respect to his authority
d) To strengthen their establishments in Bengal
111. Which one of the following conspirators against Siraj ud daulah was duped by a forged agreement paper by Robert Clive?
a) Mir Zafar
b) Khwaja Wazid
c) Rai Durlabh
d) Umi Chand
113. Arrange the following events related to Anglo-Mysore War in the proper chronological order and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
i) Battle of Porto Novo
ii) Treaty of Mangalore
iii) Treaty of Madras
iv) Treaty of Seringapatam
a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
b) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
c) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
d) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)
a) Warren Hastings
b) Lord Cornwallis
c) Lord Bentinck
d) Viscount Canning
115. Assertion (A) : The Carnatic War has attained a celebrity in history which is not fully justified either by the immediate issues involved or by the incidents of the war itself.
Reason (R) : For nearly twenty years the Carnatic became the scene of a long drawn contest between French and the English which led to the ultimate overthrow of the French power in India with repercussions also in Bengal which produced unexpected and momentous results.
a) If the Assertion (A) is correct but Reason (R) is wrong.
b) If (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.
c) If both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) explains (A).
d) If both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) does not explain (A).
116. Which of the following statements is/are true about Regulating Act, 1773?
i) It introduced Parliamentary supervision over the company and modified its constitution both in England and in India.
ii) It made changes in the constitution of the Court of Directors.
iii) The Government of Bengal was vested in a Governor General and a council of 4 members.
iv) The Governor General in council could control the subordinate Presidencies of Bombay and Madras in matters relating to War and Peace.
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (ii) and (iii)
c) (iii) and (iv)
d) All of the above
118. Which of the following conditions didn’t prompt the making of Mahalwari Settlement?
a) To curb the refractory and oppressive nature of the Taluqdars.
b) Need to maximise revenue.
c) Protecting the rights of the present proprietors to ensure improvement of agriculture.
d) Influence of the Ricardian theory of Rent.
119. During the first century of British rule there were a series of ‘restorative rebellions’ started by disaffected local rulers. Arrange the following revolts in chronological order and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
i) Paika rebellion led by Jagabandhu 
ii) Poligar rebellion led by Kaltabomman
iii) Kittur uprising led by Queen Chennamma
iv) Travancore revolt led by Velu Thampi
a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
b) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
c) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
d) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)


120. Some of the peasant rebellion were participated exclusively by the tribal population. Arrange the following tribal movements chronologically by and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
i) Gudem Rampa rebellion led by Alluri Sitaramaraju
ii) Kol rebellion led by Buddha Bhagat
iii) Hul rebellion led by Sidho and Kanho
iv) Thadoe Kuki movement led by Jadonang and his niece Gaidinilu
a) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
b) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
c) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
d) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
121. Ho and Munda tribesmen were from
a) Chotanagpur
b) Araballi hills
c) Sahayadri hills
d) None of the above
123. Arrange the following armed resistance in the nineteenth century against the colonial rule in chronological order and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
i) Satara disturbance      (1844)
ii) Gadkari rebellion        (1844)
iii) Revolt of Rao Bharamal     (1819)
iv) Rebellion of Birabhadra Raju  (1827)
a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
b) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)
c) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
d) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
124. In many of the peasant revolt religion played an important role. Who among the following was the leader of the Fakirs leading the Sannyasi-Fakir uprising in Bengal?
a) Tipu Shah
b) Karim Shah
c) Majanun Shah
d) Golam Masum
125. Match List I with List II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
List IList II
A) Pagalpanthi uprisingi) Chirag Au
B) Tanqah-i-Muhammadiyaii) Haji Shariatullah
C) Faraiji movementiii) Karam Shah
D) Shah-i-Madariv) Mir Nisar
a) (A)–(ii), (B)–(i), (C)–(iv), (D)–(iii)
b) (A)–(iii), (B)–(iv), (C)–(ii), (D)–(i)
c) (A)–(ii), (B)–(iii), (C)–(iv), (D)–(i)
d) (A)–(ii). (B)–(i), (C)–(iii), (D)–(iv)
126. Who among the following was the founder of Wahabi movement in India?
a) Waliullah
b) Shah Muhammad Hossein
c) Muhammad Abdul Wahab
d) Syed Ahmed of Rai Bareilly
127. Titu Mir defeated ___, the Indigo Planter.
a) Okenelly
b) Davis
c) Thornton
d) Alexander
128. Who among the following was the leader of the Faraijis?
(Faraizi movement – 1820-60)
a) Duddu Miyan
b) Titu Mir
c) Karim Shah
d) Majnu Fakir
129. The first sign of revolt led by Titu Mir was a raid on zamindar __
a) Ramrarn Chakraborty
b) Kaliprasanna Mukhopadhyay
c) Debnath Roy
d) Krishnadeva Roy
130. The first Indian ruler who joined the Subsidiary Alliance was
a) Nawab of Oudh
b) Nizam of Hyderabad
c) Peshwa Baji Rao II
d) King of Travancore

131. Arrange according to the chronological order the following kingdoms annexed by Daihousi as per the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’.
i) Baghat
ii) Sambhalpur
iii) Satara
iv) Jhansi
a) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
b) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
c) (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
d) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
132. Some of the army regiments have revolted several times before 1857. Vellore mutiny took place in the year
a) 1805
b) 1806
c) 1807
d) 1810
133. Arrange the following sepoy mutinies in the chronological order and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
i) Vellore Mutiny
ii) 47 Native Infantry Mutiny
iii) Sholapur Mutiny  
iv) Sindh 34th Native Infantry Mutiny
a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
b) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
c) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
d) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
134. Mangal Pandey, a sepoy of 34th Native infantry stationed at Barrackpore mutinied on
a) 21 March, 1857
b) 29 March, 1857
c) 23 May, 1857
d) 22 June, 1857
135. Match important centres of the Revolt of 1857 with their leaders and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
A) Bakht Khani) Jhansi
B) Tantia Topeii) Kanpur
C) Hazrat Mahaliii) Delhi
D) Lakshmibaiiv) Lucknow
a) (A)–(i), (B)–(ii), (C)–(iv), (D)–(iii)
b) (A)–(iii), (B)–(ii), (C)–(iv), (D)–(i)
c) (A)–(ii), (B)–(iii), (C)–(iv), (D)–(i)
d) (A)–(iii), (B)–(iv), (c)–(ii), (D)–(i)
136. The Revolt of 1857 in Bareilly was led by
a) Bahadur Shah II
b) Kunwar Singh
c) Khan Bahadur Khan
d) Firoz Shah
137. Who among the following British officers died during the seige of Residency at Lucknow?
a) Havelock
b) John Nicholson
c) Henry Lawrence
d) Colin Campbell
138. Arrange the following places witnessing the sepoy revolts according to chronological order
i) Delhi
ii) Bareilly
iii) Kanpur
iv) Meerut
a) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
b) (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
c) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
d) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
139. When British army started pushing back the revolting Indian soldiers several commanders played leading role in claiming back the flash points. Among the following pairs find out the incorrect match
a) Delhi – James Neill
b) Kanpur – Sir Hugh Wheeler
c) Lucknow – Sir Cohn Campbell
d) Jhansi – Sir Hugh Rose
140. Who was the founder of Tatwabodhini Sabha?
a) Rammohan Roy
b) Devendranath Tagore
c) Dwarakanath Tagore
d) Kesav Chandra Sen

143. Who established Calcutta Madrasa?
a) Warren Hastings
b) William Bentinck
c) Lord Cornwallis
d) Lord Wellesley
144. Sanskrit College at Calcutta was established on
a) 1823
b) 1824
c) 1825
d) 1826
145. Atmiya Sabha was founded by
a) Raja Rammohan Roy
b) Devendranath Tagore
c) Kesav Chandra Sen
d) Dayananda Saraswati
146. Who among the following played an instrumental role in the formation of Calcutta School Book Society?   
a) Radhakanta Dev
b) Raja Rammohan Roy
c) Dwarakanath Mitra
d) Madanmohan Tarkalankar
147. Who was the first editor of Tarwabodhini Patrika
a) Rammohan Roy
b) Devendranath Tagore
c) Akshay Kumar Dutta
d) Harish Chandra Mukherjee
148. Who among the following was not a proponent of Anglicism?
a) William Jones   
b) Thomas Babington Macauley
c) Holt Mackenjie
d) Charles Thevelyan
193. A brilliant and patriotic Anglo-Indian teacher, Henry Vivian Derozeo, was the founder of:
(A) The Young Bengal Movement
(B) The Indian National Union
(C) The Servants of India Society
(D) The British India Association


WBCS Main Question Paper – 2017

45. The Battle of Panipat (1761) resulted in the defeat of
(A) The Marathas
(B) Ahmad Shah Abdali
(C) The East India Company
(D) Nadir Shah
47. Who among the following gave official sanction to the education of girls in India ?
(A) William Bentinck
(B) Hardinge I
(C) Lord Dalhousie
(D) Lord Canning
50. From which of the following countries did Tipu Sultan seek help to expel the British from India ?
(A) France
(B) Turkey
(C) Arabia and Afghanistan
(D) All of the above
51. Calcutta (Shibpur) Engineering College was established in the year
a) 1817
b) 1854
c) 1855
d) 1856
59. Which of the following was not a storm-center of the Revolt of 1857 ?
(A) Madras
(B) Arrah
(C) Jhansi
(D) Bareilly
68. Which Governor General created the Covenanted Civil Service of India, which came to be known as Indian Civil Service from 1861 onward ?
(A) William Bentinck
(B) Lord Wellesley
(C) Lord Cornwallis
(D) Warren Hastings
80. Which Mughal ruler became the unifying symbol of the Revolt of 1857 ?
(A) Bahadur Shah I
(B) Bahadur Saha Jafar
(C) Saha Alam I
(D) None of the above



WBCS Main Question Paper – 2016

29. Who gave Bombay to Charles II of England as a dowry gift for his marriage with Catherine of Braganza ?
(A) Spanish
(B) Portuguese
(C) Dutch
(D) Danes
30. Where did the so called ‘Black Hole Tragedy’ take place ?
(A) Calcutta
(B) Dacca
(C) Monghyr
(D) Murshidabad
31. When was the ‘Double Government’ Consisting of the Court of Directors and the Board of Control, treated at the Home Government level ?
(A) 1853
(B) 1833
(C) 1813
(D) 1784
51. The conquered people were to be ruled by their own laws and British rule had to “Legitimize itself in an Indian Idiom”. This was the Fundamental principle of
(A) Evangelicalism
(B) Orientalism
(C) Utilitarianism
(D) Mercantilism
63. Which of the following organizations, according to Sumit Sarkar, “left little distinctive or permanent on the plane of religion and philosophy” in 19th Century India ?
(A) Brahmo Samaj
(B) Ramakrishna Mission
(C) Aligarh Movement
(D) Young Bengal
70. Which of the following Classes did not participate in the Revolt of 1857 ?
(i) Money lenders
(ii) Merchants
(iii) Modern intelligentsia
(iv) Old Zamindars
(v) Urban based absentee landlords
Choose the answers from codes gjven below :
(A) (i), (ii), (iv) and (v)
(B) (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)
(C) (i), (iii), (iv) and (v)
(D) (i), (ii), (iii), and (v)
76. Jonathan Duncan founded the Sanskrit College in 1792 at
(A) Allahabad
(B) Varanasi
(C) Calcutta
(D) Madras
83. To justify one of their colonial policies, the British continued with the “Downward Filtration Theory” That colonial policy was on-
(A) Education
(B) Industry
(C) Maritime trade
(D) De-industrialization
103. Which of the following statements is / are correct ?
(A) Fort William College was closed in 1802.
(B) In 1805 the East India College was established at Heartford near London.
(C) The East India College was moved to Hailebury in 1809.
(D) All of the above
107. Who was mainly responsible for introducing the Ryotwari system in Madras ?
(A) Macartney      
(B) Elphinstone        
(C) Thomas Munro
(D) John Lawrence
124. By whom was the new imperial policy of “Paramountcy” initiated ?
(A) Lord Wellesley      
(B) Lord Cornwallis       
(C) Lord Hastings
(D) Warren Hastings
125. Which of the following statements about Tipu Sultan is not correct ?
(A) His reign represented a discontinuity in 18th Century Indian politics, as his kingship was rooted firmly in a strong regional tradition.
(B) In a symbolic gesture to proclaim his independence, he issued coins without any reference to the Mughal emperor.
(C) Instead of emperor Shah Alam’s name he inserted his own name in the Khutba (Friday prayers at the Mosque’s).
(D) He never sought a sanad from the Ottoman Khalifa to legitimise his rule.


WBCS Main Question Paper – 2015

102.  Lord Macaulay was associated with
(A) Reforms in the army     
(B) Abolition of Sati        
(C) Codification of Laws
(D)  Permanent settlement
134.  Which of the following results of the Zamindari System was not an advantage to the British ?
(A) Creation of political allies       
(B) Minimisation of revenue administrative expenditure
(C) Permanent fixation of revenue demand
(D) Provision of financial security
135.  Which of the following pairs are correctly matched  ?
(A) Banaras  – Sir Colin Campbell          
(B) Jhansi – Sir Hugh Rose
(C) Kanpur – Brigadier General Neil      
(D) Lucknow – Major General Havelock
136.  Indenture regulations which bound the artisans of Eastern India to sell their products exclusively to the English company from the Late 18th Century were known as
(A) Dadni
(B) Damdupat       
(C) Khatbandi        
(D) Kamiya
137.  Who among the following Britishers were associated with the introduction of Mahalwari System ?
(A) R. M. Bird
(B) Sir John Lawrence       
(C) William Karey       
(D) Sir Alexandar Cunningham
142.  Which of the following is not one of the causes responsible for the rise of money lenders in British India ?
(A) New revenue policy      
(B) New legal system
(C) New educational system
(D) Commercialization of agriculture
150.  Which region in India provided the best quality saltpeter and opium to the Europeans ?
(A) Coromondal
(B) Gujrat 
(C) Bihar
(D) Malabar
151.  When and by whom were the Portuguese driven out of Hugli in Bengal ?
(A) 1625 – Shaista Khan        
(B) 1631 – Qasim Khan
(C) 1650 – Prince Murad      
(D) 1666 – Prince Shuja
152.  What was the early capital of the portuguese in India ?
(A) Goa         
(B) Cochin
(C) Culient       
(D) Cannanore


WBCS Main Question Paper – 2014

77.  Vidyasagar has been described as “Traditional Moderniser” by historian
(A) Ramesh Chandra Majumder    
(B) Binoy Ghosh 
(C) Amalesh Tripathy
(D) Jadunath Sarkar
82.  Which of the following towns was chosen as the head quarter of the Wahabi Movement in 1826 ?
(A) Kandahar     
(B) Quetta        
(C) Peshawar   
(D) Charsadda
83.  A leading British parliamentarian and politician who admitted that the Revolt of 1857 was ‘a national revolt’ and not a military mutiny was :
(A) David George     
(B) William Hilderband        
(C) Disraeli
(D) George Bingsley
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